WTF is Grumpy shag???

Many of you will be wondering WTF is Grumpy shag??



With a sentence like Grumpy shag, I guess it could mean what ever you want it to mean....

Grumpy shag was an idea that was born way back in the early 2010s when Penguins became all the rage, then Owls... Flamangos would soon follow closely... I thought.... "any day now, someone would come up with a shag design..." foxes would then become the next biggest thing and yup... that was the birds done and dusted... no shags...

So I decided to take action and take charge and bring the beautiful but often forgotten shags into the spotlight... 


It took a while but fast-forward a good 10 years and Grumpy shag was finally born... (on the world wide web...)


So what is a "grumpy shag...???" you are still wondering....




The Grumpy shag idea came about my love for shags and going to a local breeding colony of New Zealand's very own and unique Little Shags in my home town of Rotorua...  

They always seem to have a very grumpy appearance, especially when they raise their little fringes... and that grumpy appearance/looks  certainly matches their attitude... Don't let their small size fool you... These little critters are definitely feisty wee birds that barely tolerate their own young, let alone others...


Although they like their own bubble...These birds are to an extent.... social creatures that seek and find comfort and feel at ease in small groups/colonies, especially at overnight roosting trees or during breeding and they certainly like to be in company with others... even though... as soon as another little shag would show signs of joining a communal roosting spot... be it by air or by water... their fellow companions already enjoying the sun will open their beaks along with grunts.. will let the incomers know... "This is my spot... don't you dear invade my personal bubble... p... off..."


I guess.. Little shags, like myself and many of us humans, we have these traits that most of us would share...

We love social interaction... to an extent.... but we also love our personal bubble to...


So in  a nutshell...

Grumpy shag is centered around the main antagonist the Little shag, and its often grumpy appearance and attitude!